Monday, May 23, 2016

FREE Bowling for Kids and MOPS announcement

Howdy Mamas!

So, my husband actually sent me this with the subject, "Your MOPS group might want this." He is either an honorary MOPS member or he just knows how much we all like FREE stuff. ;)

Any who, here is a link, but the run down is that kids can bowl for FREE this summer UP TO TWO GAMES EACH DAY.  Sorry for the CAPS YELLING- I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

Free bowling info and other things

And FYI- Do you remember Leigh Ann (our last speaker who talked about parenting styles) and her friendly and bright mom, Beverly? Well, Beverly has agreed to be our mentor mom for this upcoming MOPS year! Yay! We are so excited to have Beverly (and hopefully Leigh Ann) join us in the fall  and get to know her better.

Cheers to summer! Playdates! Splash pads! Story Times! And just staying in pjs- kids, you, or both!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Free Treats and Tea at McAlister's!

Hey all! Hope your summer is off to a good start or about to be!

Apparently, this is Guest Appreciation Week at McAlister's.  OK!

Here is the link...

McAlister's Guest Appreciation Week

But if you are too lazy/busy/hurried to look at it, here is the rundown...

Tues, May 17- Treat Tuesday- Free cookie with purchase of an entree

Wed, May 18- Kids Day- Kids eat free all day with entree purchase

Thurs, May 19- Thirsty Thurs- Free 32 oz tea  NO PURCHASE NECESSARY

Fri, May 20- Fundraiser Friday- portion of all sales goes to Second Harvest Food Bank

Enjoy and hope to see you all soon!