Wednesday, November 23, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Because it's not quite Thanksgiving, but I saw Christmas stuff at the mall before Halloween... 😳

Our next MOPS meeting is a Christmas party and gift exchange. Bring a nice gift, a funny gift, or regift something you're just never going to use. We'll play the gift exchange game and have some time to hang out and talk. Feel free to bring a breakfast item to share.

When: Thursday, December 8 @ 9:30 am
Where: Erin Presbyterian Church, 200 Lockett Rd. Knoxville 37919

I hope you all enjoy yummy food and family time tomorrow!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Operation Christmas Child

Next week is our annual Operation Christmas Child meeting. We will help Erin Presbyterian in their efforts with OCC by packing boxes. If you would like to contribute items to boxes, they are still in need of the following things:

Pencil Sharpeners
Hair Ties
Coloring Books

Other typical items people donate to OCC include washcloths, toothbrushes, socks, combs/brushes, pencils, pens, and small toys or stuffed animals. Please feel free to bring any of these if you want to or if you have been collecting them to donate!

When: Thursday, November 10, 9:30-11:30
Where: Erin Presbyterian Church, 200 Lockett Rd. Knoxville 37919 

Looking forward to seeing you!