Monday, December 15, 2014

ALERT!!! New Baby - Bring them a meal!

So, you may be wondering what all the fuss is about! Alert! Alert! There's a new baby in town and it's one of our own.

Oh, I know, you've already met the handsome little dude that is Brady! But, I've dropped the ball and not gotten a meal calendar up and running and feel terrible! But, nevertheless, the family has been eating and could still use some help from all of us! That's what we're here for after all - a supportive fellowship of women, right?!

So, if you're interested and feeling guilty like myself - sign up with the following link. Name: Kaplan, password: 8636

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cookies, Nativities, and Storytimes

For those of you who came to our meeting/Christmas party, it was great to see you yesterday.  We missed those who couldn't be there and hope to see you back soon. 

A little follow up on some things we discussed: 

REMINDER: Cookie exchange at Julie's is a week from today on December 19th at 7pm.  Come for some sweet treats, good laughs, and all around holiday cheer.  Hope to see you there! Email if you need directions. 

Nativity: Here is a description of the Knoxville Nativity in case you are interested in going.

Nativity Pageant of Knoxville
The Nativity Pageant, a professionally directed drama, combines a cast of over 90, moving narration, realistic sets, authentic costumes, and live animals to create a beautiful and powerful presentation of the Christmas story. Music at the Nativity Pageant is provided by a 200 voice choir, accompanied by a 20-member orchestra. This 3 day event is held at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum. Admission is free.

500 Howard Baker Ave, Knoxville, TN 37915 
Dates, times, and more info:

Also, for those new to the area, here are some resources about story times, libraries, and ice skating downtown. 

Oh, and if anyone wants to go to a Walk Through Bethlehem, look for Mary and Baby Jesus. You'll recognize them.  Church Street United Methodist anytime between 1pm and 6pm this Sunday, Dec 14th.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Operation Christmas Child- Fill a Box, Fill Your Heart

Do you ever look at your child/children and are overwhelmed with gratitude and joy? (yes, this is easier after they have napped and are super cuddly.) Do you ever sit around the table (or a fast food restaurant) and are so thankful that your kid(s) can eat as much as they want?  Do we sometimes take it for granted that our little ones will gifts for Christmas?  

Sometimes the only response to being given so much is to give back or provide a few hours of service. SO, I encourage you to come to MOPS this Thursday, November 13th at 9:30am* to fill your heart as you pack boxes for less fortunate children around the world.  If you aren't familiar with Operation Christmas Child, feel free to peruse these sites:

What OCC Means to Moms

Operation Christmas Child

If you haven't come to this special event before, you will come away blessed and looking forward to OCC next year.
If you HAVE come before, you will come away blessed and looking forward to OCC next year.

These small shoeboxes filled with goodies and love will provide good new and great joy to precious children around the world.  Come be a part of it.  All are welcome, and feel free to bring a friend, relative, or neighbor. (MOPS usual childcare will be available in-house to care for your darlings if you choose/want it.)

*We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall of Erin Presbyterian to wrap and fill boxes.  Park near the main stone entrance of the church and look for the open/cracked doors to the Fellowship Hall.  Just follow the sound of Christmas music.  Oh, and as always, feel free to bring your kids, snacks, whatever.

(Notes: We've already collected most of the items that will be packed into the boxes; however, feel free to raid your house for toys, balls, card games that can be added to the boxes.  Also, your kids can get involved by drawing pictures to include with the goodies.  Additionally, boxes cost $7 to ship, so MOPS will gladly accept any donations from anyone wanting to contribute financially.)

Monday, October 27, 2014

My best thinking...

It all started..... okay, so it just started. Here I am eating one of my famous bed time snacks - single serve microwave brownies! They are so delicious, easy to make and wholesome (in that the ingredients are real foods).

But, it bothers me that every time I go to make one I have to pull up the recipe on my phone or laptop because I can't quite remember if it's 2 T of cocoa or 2 T flour. Or is it 4T sugar or water. And it all has to fit in this mug. Then it hit me, like a ton of brownies (betcha thought I was going to say bricks, didn't you?)

What if I were to write the recipe on that fancy, dancy mugs I made at Mops on Day 1? Mine has yet to make it back to a meeting and it would serve me way better as my go-to single serve brownie cup than a water or coffee cup at mops. And, since it already has my initial on it, my family will know to keep their paws off my awesome dessert cup for one.

So, if you're looking to give your mug a real purpose in your life, join me in writing the following recipe on its other (way better) side.

Microwave single serve brownie
2 T butter or coconut oil, melted
2 T water
A few shakes of vanilla extract
A dash of salt
4T sugar
4T flour
2T unsweetened cocoa
Nuts optional
Microwave 60-90 seconds
Top with ice cream.

That's it! I'm out of awesome ideas. For tonight anyways. You're welcome.

Did I mention the brownies are delicious and easy? And that the typical American household has these ingredients on hand always? Shouldn't have to. You trust me, right. Now go make a brownie!

Monday, October 20, 2014

MOPS Halloween Craft Time!

Did you make these with us last year?  If you did, inevitably, your kiddos were WAY excited to pull these out on October 1st....or you never put them away last year because they were so STINKING CUTE!

Well, it's that time of year again- time for our MOPS Halloween Craft meeting (along with the usual coffee, food, and laughs)!

Come join us this Thursday, October 23rd at 9:30am (9:15 if you need to drop littles off in their own designated areas).  We'll have a new craft and maybe be able to do a couple of the "favorite crafts" from meetings past.  (You are going to AUSTRALIA!!!!  Any other Oprah fans out there?)

Hope to see you there, and feel free to bring fall or Halloween treats to share...or just wanted you have on hand.

Be there or be...curious about what we make. ;)

*** In all the fall festivities, remember that we are still collecting for Operation Christmas Child. ---

- Non-liquid Hygiene products like toothbrushes, paste, combs, bars of soap, wash clothes, and hair ties.
- Socks
- Toys like stuffed animals/dolls, deflated balls, small puzzles, jump ropes, finger puppets, sticker books, sunglasses, etc.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Challenge (if you choose to accept): Unplug!

I've needed an outlet for awhile. And, this Erin Mops blogging site thing has UN-leashed a beast... (apologies in advance)

We've all heard about Breast Cancer Awareness this month. Some of us crunchier folks are participating in or have heard of "Unprocessed October" and I'm sure there's a whole slew of other things gaining awareness this month. But - what if you need something more personal to bring into focus this month? What if I were to tell you there is? YOU!!

I am guilty of Facebook scrolling (or trolling depending on the day). For some of you it's Pinterest. Others it's HSN or 11 o'clock Ellen or {shudder} Days of Our Lives (is this still on?)

And while I believe it is incredibly important to have "me-time", I also know that I'm wasting some valuable entertainment time on intangible things. I mean, I have the most fascinating form of entertainment right in front of me very own eyes. My KIDS!

I know what you're thinking....I've been with these monsters ALL DAY LONG! But, that's just it for me. I'm with my kids a considerable amount of time but I'm not interacting with them at all. In fact, right now, we're all snuggled up in my bed with the two girls watching Lalaloopsy, the baby is sleeping and I'm blogging. But, we are together. That's important. But, it's also beautiful outside. And, there are adventures we could be on. And memories to be made. No one ever remembers a great day of TV.

I guess what I'm saying is, unplug from technology. Pick a day or hours of operation (or should I say "hours of un-operation") and unplug. Give your kids your UN-divided attention. The attention they deserve. Don't check your phone notifications. Not even once.

I am so guilty of walking past my phone TOO MANY TIMES just to see if I've missed a notification. Of an email that I'm going to delete. Or of a Facebook "like" or "comment" notification. Or alas a text message that is never an emergency. I mean, if it is really important the person contacting me will call, right? But, all these things can wait. My kids are going to grow up faster than I want them to. And, they're not going to want to play with  mommy... Or snuggle (though, secretly, I hope they never grow out of this). These are just two of the comments I've heard since having my newest child.

So, MOMS, I encourage you to be intentional about spending a bit of QT with your kids. You won't regret it. UNPLUG from whatever it is that you are filling your idle time. Who's with me? Let's get intentional, intentional (to the tune of "Let's get physical")

Oh, and while we're at it....let's not forget our spouses either. Again, guilty. Once the door to my kids' bedroom is shut, my husband heads for the kitchen to grab a snack to share and I start scrolling. What if I just put my phone down and talked to him about his day? Or we picked a show to watch together (without the aid of a phone during commercials)? Or played a hand of cards? Just think how much more connected we'd feel by morning...or 5 minutes after the lights go out - holla! but not too loud, the kids are sleeping.

I mean, what's so important on Facebook anyways? Sure, it's a way to keep up with family and friends. But, for the most part, it's filled up with ads, people's soy latte selfies and the latest social media news frenzy. If I really want to see what my sister in Colorado is doing, I'd seek out her personal page and get updated. But instead, I'm scrolling until I hit the oldest piece of newsfeed I've seen. Lame. Got. to. stop.

So, here I am. A mom on a mission. To be more intentional with my family. Are you a victim too? Want in on this challenge? Well, here's the's never-ending. It starts now and doesn't stop until your children are grown and you're dead. You can join for free any time. But don't wait too long or else you may miss out on opportunities. Start today.

This sales pitch is in no way affiliated with MOPS International or Erin Presbyterian MOPS or Erin Presbyterian Church. It is simply one mom's strive to thrive!

Gotta run - the baby is awake and Lalaloopsy is ending. Time to play.

Take a BREAK: Mom's Night Out!

Who could use a Night Out? I sure could! And with Fall Break on the horizon, all I can see is "BREAK". Mom's need a break too and what better time to take one than on an evening when we've been with the kids all day! SO - without further adieu - how about we capitalize on tired, ready for bed kids (make it easier on the husbands) and grab some grub together (since we will have been chasing after kids all day at the farm and not getting to chitty chat)!

Who: Moms Everywhere! (that's you!, and that mom peeping over your shoulder - she's invited too)
What: Mom's Night Out
When: Tuesday, October 14th, 2014 at 6:30p
Where: Tupelo Honey on Market Square (BREAKfast served all day, and also alcohol)
Why: Do we really need a reason?

**Free Parking at Locust Street Garage after 6pm and just two blocks from restaurant
**If you'll RSVP, I'll plan to arrive a bit early to get on any Tuesday night waiting list.
**Feel free to stay in what you were wearing to the farm - I think the plaid/denim/boots looks is in this fall - simply grab a scarf and voila! you're dressed for the evening :)
**While bringing children is discouraged, I know some people (ahem, me!) who will have one in tow. Permissible, but discouraged. Use discretion and spouses to maximize your enjoyment factor!

See you there!

ps. If you haven't had their biscuits with blueberry preserves, you're truly missing out!

Let's go to the Farm, y'all!

Grab your denim and boots and plan to join us at Oakes Farm ( in Corryton. Oakes Farms is equipped with a whole day's worth of entertainment for all ages of children (and adults!!!). From the huge bounce pillow (don't forget your socks!) to the peddle tractors to the slides to the petting zoo (bring quarters for feed) - your family is sure to have a fun-filled day! There are concessions but brown bag lunches are welcome. Plenty to see and do and even a gift shop for those early stocking stuffers or hard to buy for people in your life. So, come join us on Tuesday, October 14th at 12p. Bring a lunch if you like and invite your friends. We'll meet at the slides!

8240 Corryton Road
Corryton, TN 37721

Adults ages 11 & up: $10.95
Children ages 3 - 10: $8.95

Add a pumpkin for $5
(Discount in the Knox County School Coupon Book for up to 19 - bring cash and I'd be glad to purchase together with my coupon)

Side Notes:
I don't believe socks are required but your children will likely return over and over again to the bounce pillow, or at least mine did and sweaty, sticky feet aren't conducive to a safe bounce. Also, slip on shoes are a bonus because of those return trips - tying laces every time gets to be a hassle. Depending on weather, dress in layers. Your children will definitely not get chilly with all the romping around.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bring Your CAMERA, Bring Your Questions- Thurs, Oct 9th

If you are on this blog, then you probably have kids; and aren't each of our kids THE cutest thing EVER?! Well, we all want to remember our littles in all their messy face, missing tooth, first day of school glory.  Do you ever wonder how to get the best pictures possible?

If you do, MOPS this Thursday (October 9th) is the place for you!  We will have a professional photographer (and mom of several) who will be our speaker.  We are very fortunate to hostTracie Ancelet who will be answering questions and teaching us some of her "street smarts."  

BRING YOUR CAMERA, bring a friend, bring any pictures you've taken that didn't turn out and you don't know why, and bring any questions you have about taking frame-worthy pictures. 

P.S. None of the above pictures are mine.  I'll be bringing my camera on Thursday, getting tips from Tracie, and taking pictures this amazing starting on Friday. ;)

Oh, and we'll be collecting hygiene items for Operation Christmas Child boxes.  These include washclothes, toothpaste/brushes, bars of soap, combs, etc.  If you can, stop by the Dollar Store and pick up some stuff to donate.

And while you are out, pick up some snacks to bring and share!

Stay tuned for details about our annual fall trip to a pumpkin patch!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bookworm or Not- MOPS tomorrow, Thurs, Sept 25th!

Hey all!

Come join us at MOPS tomorrow, Sept 25th at 9:30am for a speaker; Erin from Knox County Library Systems will share will us all sorts of resources and opportunities that you probably don't know about. She'll share with us ways to get reluctant readers to be lost in a book....and she might even have some adult recommendations too.

Come join us for coffee, snacks (feel free to bring something to share), and a guarantee good time.

Also, we're continuing to collect items for Operation Christmas Child (OCC).  We've been collecting socks, so feel free to bring those, or we'll also be collecting school supplies.  Raid your kids' backpacks for unused items that less fortunate kiddos would love to have.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

FREE KK Donuts and McD Coffee and Moe's Queso

Yes, you can usually get free Krispy Kreme Donuts and freshly brewed coffee at our MOPS meetings...but in case you need a fix before our meeting next Thursday (Sept 25th), you can bring out your best pirate accent to get a FREE Krispy Kreme Donut TOMORROW, Sept. 19th.  OR dress up like a pirate (more than just an eye patch) and get a free dozen fresh, hot glazed tomorrow.  My little buccaneer matey will be least once.

FREE KK for Talk Like a Pirate Day

If you need some coffee to wet your pirate whistle, you can drive thru any McDonald's where they are giving out free coffee (iced, decaf, regular, etc) during the morning hours now through Sept 29th.

FREE McD coffee through Sept 29th

AND if you need something FREE TODAY, head over to Moe's for FREE Queso Day! No purchase or coupon required.

Moe's FREE Queso Day

Not sure why all these places are giving out free food this week, but I like it!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MOPS Thursday, Sept 11th at 9:30am! Be Brave, Be There!

Is this Van Gogh or some other famous painter from long ago? No, silly! This was done by Reverend John Stuart, paster of Erin Presbyterian, who will be kicking off our MOPS year at our Thursday, September 11th meeting.  Not only is Rev Stuart an artist, minister, and blogger, he is a poet, band member, AND...he is from Scotland, so he has a dreamy accent that reminds you of the Braveheart movie.  Here is some info about him if you are interested, but you'll have to be at MOPS on Thursday to hear his accent and the words of wisdom that he imparts to us each year. (Oh, he is also a dad of two, so he kind of gets us.)

Rev Stuart Blog

Rev Stuart in Knoxville News

AND...if that is not enough to entice you to come, I think we'll also have a craft, and I know there will be coffee and food. (In case you are new to our MOPS group, welcome! And know that we never meet without some yummy munchies and chocolate.)

Whether you are new to MOPS or returning, we hope that you join us this year as we explore the theme "Be You, Bravely" and get to know each other as we journey through motherhood together.

WHAT: Erin Pres MOPS.  Be Brave and join us!
WHEN: this Thursday, Sept 11th at 9:30am-- our usual meeting time.
WHERE: Erin Presbyterian. Park next to playgroup and you'll hear us and our kiddos as soon as you walk in
WHY: We all need a break (childcare provided) and some mom friends.

See you there!

P.S. We'll start collecting new kid SOCKS and other items for Operation Christmas Child (OCC). Feel free to also bring any food to share.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Last Art Open House TOMORROW!

Messiah Lutheran will be hosting its last art open house for the summer tomorrow morning at 9 am. Come and be inspired!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Art Open House this Thursday!

Just a reminder that the next Art Open House at Messiah Lutheran Church is this Thursday, July 24, starting at 9 am. Drop in anytime between 9 and 11:30 to be inspired and to create. I also hear that Ms. Sandy will be bringing her pottery wheel, so if you have not seen her at work, you are in for a real treat! Hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

BIG Consignment Sale Saturday at Erin Presbyterian

- - - - - - - - - - - -ATTENTION ALL MOMS WHO LIKE TO SAVE MONEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This Saturday, July 12th, there will be a consignment sale at Erin Presbyterian (200 Lockett) from 8am- 11:30am.  THEN, the half price sale goes from noon until 2pm.  Yes, everything you see will be HALF PRICE.

All items are really priced to sell, so come on out to find some GREAT deals.  Items in the sale include, but aren't limited to, toys, games, books, all sorts of baby gear, large items, and clothes from newborn to size 16.  All items will be organized by size and all seasons of clothes will be sold...even dress-up clothes and Halloween costumes.  Many items have never been worn and still have original store tags on them.  I'll be working the early shift, so come at 8am for your pick of the lot and/or just to say hi!

(FYI. This sale is sponsored by the Northwest MOMS Club of Knoxville)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hello MOPS friends!

Just as I was getting to know you all......our house has sold and we are moving to Nolensville, TN.  You are a great group of women and such loving and dedicated moms.  It has been a pleasure to be part of your MOPS meetings and I thank you for welcoming me.  I'm having a moving sale on Friday & Saturday 7/18-19 and you are welcome to come by any day prior to take a look.  I live right around the corner from Erin Presbyterian Church at 108 Golf Club Road and my phone # is 865-789-7871.  For sale I have living room furniture, a dining room table with chairs and hutch, an entertainment center, 2 TV's, a microwave, a gas grill, deck furniture.....and much more!  I'd be glad to take a picture of anything and e-mail to you.....just let me know!

Wishing you all the best!

Gracie Murphree

Art Open House THIS Thursday!

It's that time again, budding artists! Messiah Lutheran will host another Art Open House this Thursday, July 10th, from 9-11:30. Drop by anytime during that time frame and be inspired. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Come and create THIS Thursday!

Messiah Lutheran's Art Open House is this Thursday from 9-11:30. Basic instruction and materials will be provided free of charge. No need to sign up. Just bring yourself and your kiddos and get ready to be inspired.

Hope to see you there!

Messiah Lutheran
6900 Kingston Pike

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dragon Boat Races at Cove on Saturday

Looking for some FREE family entertainment this weekend while enjoying the fresh air? 

The Knoxville Dragon Boat races will be held this Saturday at the Cove from 8am - 4pm.  The event is free (unless you've registered to be IN the boat races), and there will be children's activities, music, and various food vendors.  

More details: Dragon Boat Festival 

Also, don't forget to go to any Knox Public Library to sign your child up to be a listener or reader for the Summer Library Club. Actually, I think you can register online.
You can read ANY book you choose to your child.  When you have finished the reading log, your child gets a little "reward" and a coupon book with lots of fun things to do around town... including (but not limited to) coupons for free ice-cream, Knox Zoo, Oakridge Children's Museum, and YMCA day pass. 

(And Happy Birthday (yesterday), to CY!!!  Hope it was wonderful and that you are getting excited about welcoming #3!)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kids Summer Movies at Regal- $1

So, yesterday, my three year old son asked me, "Mama, me driving you nuts?" YES!!!!

Well, thanks to Regal Cinemas, we can take our kiddos to the movies for only ONE BUCK on Tuesdays and Wednesday to see select kid movies.  (Schedule: Summer Movie Express) It is a great way to introduce little ones to the movie theater for the first time, and if you or your kid can't make it through the whole movie, feel free to come and go, it's only $1 per person!  Snacks are not at a discounted price, but we usually just take a couple kid snacks in our purse.  Shhh!

Doors open at 9:30am and both kid movie options start showing at 10am.  (There are always two movie options and all are either PG or G.)

Hope to see you there!

FYI: Regals participating are the one at the West Town Mall, Turkey Creek, and the one near East Town Mall.  Downtown West does NOT participate, but you may want to check with your local theater before you go.  

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Summer Art Open House at Messiah Lutheran Church

They're back! Messiah Lutheran Church will again be offering FREE Art Open Houses this summer. Supplies and basic instruction are provided, and all ages are welcome (with parental supervision, please). Those of you who attended last year can attest to the variety of creative and fun activities provided. We colored, painted, stamped, sculpted, and dyed, and my girls still talk about it. I understand there are new projects on the agenda for this year. So come indulge your artistic side and hang out with other moms and artists. The dates are all on Thursdays from 9:00-11:30 am: June 26, July 10, July 24, and August 7.

Come play and create!

Messiah Lutheran Church
6900 Kingston Pike

Friday, May 16, 2014

Children's Festival of Reading TOMORROW

Hey all,

So, I was hoping to post this several days ago to give you more of a heads up, but life happened and it hasn't gotten done until right now.

Knox County Public Library's yearly Children't Festival of Reading is tomorrow, Saturday, May 17th from 10am-3pm at the World's Fair Park (with Splash Pad). This 10th anniversary event and parking are totally FREE.

Among famous authors, illustrators, and musician, there will be hourly shows by Mr. Bond, The Science Guy.  There will also be a booth where you can sign up for the library's summer reading program and other booths with arts and crafts.

And with any MOPS blog, we must talk about food- there will be various food vendors and food trucks to purchase fair-like fried goodies.

I don't want to make any promises, but last year, Curious George was there walking around to take pictures and give out treats AND there were FREE rides up the Sunsphere to the observation deck.

Links for more info and parking specifics:

Children's Reading Festival Schedule of Events

parking for festival

Hope to see you there!

In full disclosure, The Weather Channel says that there is 40% chance of rain tomorrow. HOWEVER, we went last year when it was raining on and off, and we had a great time and didn't need to spend a penny.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Knoxville Zoo Tomorrow

Weather looks good, our monkeys can see the monkeys, anyone up for a trip to the Knoxville Zoo?  Meet Ceri at the bears (near the front entrance) at 9:45am-ish. Here is her number to text or call: 865.804.9022.  Bring some drinks and/or snacks for your kiddos, and feel free to stay all day or leave as you wish...or as your kids begin to melt.  Hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

To all you moms who are tireless even when you are exhausted and giving of yourself when you feel like there is none of yourself left to give.  Thank you.  Thank you from your little ones who do not yet  know how much you sacrifice for them (and maybe they never will).  Thank you from your spouses who have no idea how many diapers you've changed, messes you've cleaned, and times you've read the same books or played the same games over and over and over.

From fellow moms who get it, Happy Mother's Day.

Moms, watch me.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Last MOPS of the Year! Catered!

Hey all!

This Thursday, May 8th, is our last MOPS meeting of this academic year.  (We will have summer playdates and meet ups, and we resume our usual meetings again in August.)  Come join us at Erin Presbyterian at 9:30am for a catered brunch/lunch from Honey Baked Ham.  All you need to do is email Jannette ( 
with your sandwich/salad preference.

Even if you've only been to MOPS once or have never been at all, 
please feel free to come join us!  
We'd love to have you join the fun, food, and fellowship. 
 (Just email Jannette so that she will have your meal choice.)

***In light of our delicious lunch that will be delivered to Erin Pres, there is no need to bring food or
 beverages to share.

Also, if you are interested in helping with MOPS next year, please let Jannette know through email or at the 
meeting Thursday.

Stay tuned for some fun summer playdates! Hope to see you Thursday at MOPS as we kick off the summer!

NOTE: As a reminder for those of you have have kids in school, this is Teacher Appreciation Week.  
Hug a teacher and give them some baked goods or pencils....let's be honest, they'd probably rather 
have the baked goods...or a gift card. ;)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Come to MOPS this Thursday!

Howdy! The Egg Hunt was a huge success...and slightly chaotic which is pretty typical of any event with lots of kiddos and candy.  Thanks to all of you came! We'll have MOPS this Thursday, April 24th at Erin Presbyterian at 9:30am, and we hope you can join us.  We'll be doing a handmade craft, getting to know each other more through discussion questions, and as always, enjoying coffee and snacks.  (Feel free to bring something to share if you can get around to it. Donuts, bag of chips, fruit, whatever.)

In case you are new to MOPS, there is free childcare in the church during our meeting.  However, if you feel more comfortable keeping your little one with you, we are pretty laid back and accepting.

If you are a MOPS alum, we'd love to have you back just to hang out!

Hope to see you Thursday!

Oh, and feel free to bring toothbrushes/paste, washcloths, or other donations for Operation Christmas Child, our annual and ongoing charity.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

EGG-ceptional Hunt TOMORROW!

Come celebrate Good Friday with us tomorrow at Erin Presbyterian! We'll have a light brunch followed by a kid craft, resurrection eggs (the story of Easter), and an EGG-citing Egg Hunt. (Sorry, I couldn't help it.  I just CRACK my self up! Ok, the jokes are over...OVER-EASY.)

We will be meeting at 10:30am instead of our usual 9:30, so you have a little EGGStra time to grab your camera and a basket to collect eggs.

When: TOMORROW at 10:30am
Who: YOU and your friends and/or spouses...and your kids too.  (Yes, even if you have never been to MOPS, come join us!)
Where: Erin Presbyterian, 200 Lockett Rd

That's all, yolkes!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Craft, Discussion Questions, and Food...Oh, my!

Come join us for a craft, good conversation, and as always, food and coffee.  If you feel so inclined, we  will be collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste for Operation Christmas Child.  We also always gladly accept any other items to fill OCC boxes.

Who: YOU, yes, YOU! And bring a friend or two...and their kids
When: This Thursday (tomorrow? Is it Wednesday already?), April 10th at 9:30am
Where: Erin Presbyterian
Why: Really? Because MOPS is awesome!

And don't forget about our Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, April 18th at 10:30am.  If possible, bring 12 filled plastic eggs to contribute to the hunt.  See you there...well, see you this Thursday first.

Friday, April 4, 2014

MOPS Night Out CHANGED to 7pm

Sooo....instead of some of us getting to Sitar late, let's just move it on back to 7pm.  Hope to see you there!

(See previous post for more details.)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

MOPS Night Out! Friday, April 4th


Where: Sitar Indian Cuisine in Bearden
When: Friday, April 4th
What time: 6pm, but no worries if you're late
Who: YOU! Yes, even any of you who haven't been to MOPS in since Oprah has been off the air.
Why: Why not?! And because husbands need a taste of bedtime routines and teeth brushing.

And last but not least, turn up the volume on your computer, and check this out: Sitar Knoxville

After those tunes, aren't you ready for Indian food and Slum Dog Millionaire?! See you there!

***While you have out your calendars to make sure you're free on Friday, mark your calendar for the MOPS Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday, April 18th at 10:30am.  If possible, bring 1 dozen filled plastic eggs for each kid hunting.

***Also, next MOPS meeting: Thursday, April 10th.  We'll be crafting and collecting toothbrushes/paste for Operation Christmas Child.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Visit" Knoxville with us on Thursday at MOPS!

Have you ever wondered why people would make a special trip to Knoxville for their spring break or summer vacation? Well, maybe good ole K-Town, has all sorts of hidden treasures and fun-filled family experiences that us locals don't know about. This Thursday, March 27th, our MOPS speaker will be the wonderful Laney Shorter.  She is a dynamic speaker and a "Marble City" expert. (Yes, is known as "The Marble City." Come find out why!)

Laney will have all sorts of resources for us and helpful hints on stay-vaction ideas.   Among other things, she'll talk about how to actually get to and UP the Sunsphere, best places to see thousands of tulips in bloom, and other FREE family fun right in our backyard. You won't want to miss this.

Hope to see you at Erin Presbyterian at 9:30am! Bring a friend, bring food, bring your kids. Coffee, laughter, and fellowship provided.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Don't Stay "At Home" Tomorrow

Instead of staying at home tomorrow, come to MOPS for our speaker, Kristen Lavalley from the blog When At Home.  Click here

Here is a picture of Kristen from her blog.  The photo on the right makes me think she just might be weird enough to fit into our group perfectly...and that photo on the left, well, here is what she says about it:

"Isn’t that photo on the left such a nice and fashionable looking necklace review photo? Don’t worry. I wasn’t actually posing here. The look you see on my face is the look a mother has when she’s given up on life and sees her fully potty trained child rip his pants off to pee directly on the porch. Not even a bush. Just  right there where he was standing. Isn’t that awesome of him?"

Bring snacks to share and friends, and we'll have a good time with Kristen tomorrow morning at 9:30am. See you there, At MOPS!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Long Time No See

Barring unforeseen snow, we will finally see each other again this week!  In addition to a devotional, sweets, and coffee, we will be doing a craft.  Hope to see you there for some fun and fellowship! Bring a friend, bring your kiddos, bring a food to share.

What: MOPS
Where: Erin Presbyterian
When: 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month (Feb 27th)
What time: 9:30am
Why: Because it's great! Come as you are.

Oh, and we will have cupcakes with lots of frosting in honor of the birth of our fearless leader, JS and the wonderful JY.  :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

No MOPS Thursday, Feb 13th

Since Knox County Schools are closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 13th, we will not have MOPS.  We hope to reschedule our speaker, Kristen Lavalley, for another meeting.  In the meantime, you can check out her blog (When at Home) and get to know her a little bit virtually.  

Stay warm, and we'll see you Thursday, February 26th!

P.S. Happy birthday to JY! We were going to celebrate tomorrow with cupcakes, but that will also have to wait until our next meeting.  :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Crafty-Day Get-Away

Come to Erin Pres MOPS this Thursday, January 23rd at 9:30am and let your craft juices flow freely.  We will be doing a very cool craft that can be used as home decor, gift for your kiddo, or even a disciplinary tool...and no, we are not making paddles for spanking.  Aren't you curious now? Well, you'll have to come to MOPS to find out what it is!

AND if that doesn't get you out of bed and into the projected 32 degree weather, know that we will also be having a HOT CHOCOLATE BAR.  Yes, you read that right. In addition to our usual coffee and snacks, we will be having an all-you-can-drink hot chocolate bar complete with gourmet flavors like Warm Oatmeal Cookie, French Vanilla, Mint, and just the usual milk chocolate.  Of course, marshmallows, whip cream, and Hersey syrup will make a guest appearance.  Heck, we might even just put on some Norah Jones and really live it up coffee house style!

Looking forward to seeing you all for fun, fellowship, and laughs.   Oh, and we'd love some new faces too, yes, I'm talking to YOU! Free childcare and free parking next to the playground.  No excuse not to come...unless you had a baby in the last 2 know who you are ;)

Monday, January 6, 2014

CPR, First Aid, and Emergency Preparedness

Do you have nightmares that your child is choking or turning blue in the face from not breathing? Will you know what to do if your child has a life-threating emergency? Come to MOPS this Thursday, January 9th at 9:30am at Erin Presbyterian for a Red Cross presentation specifically geared toward moms of infants and toddlers.  This is something that you will not want to miss.  Actually, please invite your friends, neighbors, grandparents, and playgroups.  You never know how the information in the session might save the life of your child or someone you know.

Our speaker, Mary Franklin, is a certified Red Cross instructor/trainer.  She teaches classes on CPR, First Aid, AED use, Water Safety (Learn to Swim +), Lifeguarding, and Babysitter's Training.  She has generously offered to give our group a "Cliff Notes" of the classes that she teaches.  Mary is extremely knowledgeable and will help prepare us for the unknown and the unthinkable.  We hope we never NEED this info, but if we need it, we'll be infinitely thankful that we have it.
(On a side note, Mary is also a mom herself and officiates competitive swimming from the college level all the way down to the little tikes. I bet she can even tell us some tips of teaching our littles to swim...or just let us know how to sign up for swim classes.)

Sleep better and gain incredible peace of mind from knowing you are prepared for emergency situations. We hope to see you this Thursday at 9:30 at Erin Pres MOPS! As always, childcare will be provided, snacks and coffee will be consumed, and everyone will be welcome just as you are.

**If Knox County Schools are on a 2-hr delay or closed due to weather, MOPS will NOT meet and will reschedule our Red Cross Speaker for another time.  If Knox County is on a 1-hr delay, MOPS will meet an hour late at 10:30.

Stay safe and warm!